Maa Tripurmalini Devi Shakti Peeth(Divine place)

Maa Tripurmalini Devi Dham is one of the famous Shakti Peethas of North India. The temple is related to Maa Sati Devi's(Lord Shiva's wife) story. According to the same, once long time ago when the mankind started getting civilized, Lord Brahma's son who was called King Daksha was given the responsibility of the organizing and running of this civilization. Out of his various daughters, the youngest was Devi Sati, who fell in love with Lord Shiva. King Daksha was a rival of Lord Shiva and even after getting his daughter married to Him, he found reasons to disrespect Him. Once Daksha organized a big yajya at his place and invited everyone apart from his daughter and son in law (Devi Sati and Lord Shiva). To which Devi Sati got very angry and went to the yajna place and set herself on fire jumping into the jayga agni. There after Lord Shiva sent Shri Veer Bhadra to kill King Daksha and then came himeself to the yagya place and lifted the burnt corpse/ body of Devi Sati over his shoulder and being in great dismay started doing Tandava (dance of devestation) roaming in the mountains of Himalayas. Lord Vishnu, in order to relieve Lord Shiva from this immense pain and to save the world, cut the adbode of Devi Sati with his Sudarshan Chakra into various parts and all the places where the parts of Devi Sati fell on earth became the Shaktipeethas. At this place, Maa Sati's Baam Stan (Left Breast) had fallen. The place is called Maa Tripurmalini Devi Shaktipeeth since then.
Read more information about all the Shakti Peethas.
Lord Shiva went to all the Shaktipeeths and did the sthapana (establishment) of the Shaktipeeth himself and also deputed one Bhairav roop for the protection of each Shaktipeeth. At this place also Shri Omkareshway Lord Shiva came and rubbed his Jatas with the beautiful soil which was like sandalwood. He did the sthapna of the Shakti Peeth in the form of a Pindi. After that HE then deputed Bheeshan Bhairav (Bhishan Bhairav) at this place for its protection. It is said, after the establishment, he took 3 parikrama of the sacred lake and all places where he stopped were developed by the devotees by establishing his Shiv Linga and was worshipped by various sages in the coming days like Swami Hemgiri ji.
Later on Aadiguru Shankaracharya Ji came to this place and since the Pindi which was revealed in the Dwapar Yug was the breast part of Devi Sati hence it should have always kept covered. Hence he covered the same and on top of it, established a beautiful Mata murti(idol) on top of it, which was discovered in the sacred pond/lake.
It is believed that for those who worship Maa here with honest heart, she listens to the wishes very quickly (Turant), hence She was also named as Maa Turatpurni
Jai Maa Tripurmalini .