What is Manglik Dosh or Kuja Dosha ? (UNAUSPICIOUS YOG IN HOROSCOPE)

What is Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha ?

The name Manglik dosha means a Dosha or a defect caused by the effect of planet Mars. This Dosha is found in the kundli or Birth Chart of the Native. A comparative analysis of the Birth Chart, the Moon Chart & the Navamsha is done to conclude whether a person is Manglik or not. Manglik Dosha is also known as Kuja dosh.

How is Kuja Dosha formed in the kundli ?

Kuja Dosha is formed when Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th house from the ascendant (lagna),  Chandra lagna (moon sign) in lagna horoscope, Chandra horoscope or navmansha horoscope.
The highest degree of this dosh is formed  when mars  is placed in  ascendant or the  seventh house. These  two  placements form two most severe dosh out of which placement in seventh is the most severe of all.  Next in severity in decreasing order come  the mars in eighth house, then forth and then twelfth house.  In addition to mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and ketu’s placement in the houses mentioned above also forms partial Manglik dosh.


Why Mars causes this Dosh ?

Mars is considered the most malific planet as far as marriage of a person is considered. Mars is a fierce planet and its placement in certain houses results in Kuja dosha. Marriage is considered as one of the most auspicious ceremony. In hindi the word Manglik denotes auspiciousness. Hence a dosha makes the even inauspicious or causes problems in this event.

What are the effects of Manglik Dosha ? 

  • The most common effect of Manglik dosha is - Delay in Marriage.
  • Manglik dosha causes the marriage to be solemnized as late as at the age of 34 years, 38 years and even in 40s.
  • Apart from this if a manglik boy/girl is married to a non-manglik spouse then the event of death or severe accidents have been witnessed by many couples which lead to death, permanent disability of the non-manglik spouse.

Manglik dosh formed by mars is believed to cause following effects :

1. Delay in getting married   
2. Difficulties in marital life    
3. Continuous fight between couple.
4. Divorce
5. Death of the spouse
Manglik dosh formed by other malefic planets:

       1. Delay in getting married   
       2. Difficulties in marital life

       3. Continuous fight between couple

This dosh causes excessive delay in the marriage. There are so many Boys/girls who are afflicted by this  dosha

and because of this, there are going through a bad phase of life whether it is due to delay in marriage, fight between couples
or divorce.

Hence, it is advisable that a Manglik boy or girl must always be married to a manglik partner only. Some experts have the opinion that the Dosh is neutralised when the native reaches his late 30s in life. I personally, disagree on this point because in my experience of more than 45 years i have come across many such mishaps caused because of this belief.
It is a further belief, that a manglik girl will have problems in marriage till her Manglik dosh is NOT solemnized.

What are the remedies for Manglik dosh ?  

At some places you will observe a list of remedial measures mentioned to solemnize the manglik or kuja dosha. Kuja dosha CANNOT be solemnized by following some common remedies by all. To suggest a remedy for the dosha it is necessary that a thorough analysis of the birth chart is done.

  1. Marriage between two Manglik individuals If both the partners are Mangliks then this dosha gets nullified. All its ill- effects are cancelled and the two can have a blessed and happy married life.
  2. Kumbh Vivah When one person is Manglik in a marriage, the negative effects of Mangal dosha can be cancelled by performing this ritual called Kumbh Vivah. According to Hindu Vedic Astrology a Manglik person is made to marry a Banana tree, peepal tree, or a silver/golden idol of Lord Vishnu.
  3. Placement of Mars in the horoscope chart Astrologers also claim that if the first house is of Aries or Mesh in one’s horoscope chart, and Mars or Mangal resides in this house then the Mangal Dosha is no longer effective, as Mars is in its own house- Aries.
  4. Fasting Out of all the remedies fasting on Tuesdays is also considered an effective remedy. Manglik individuals who observe a fast on this day should eat only toor daal (split pigeon daal).
  5. Chanting Manglik individuals should chant the Navgraha mantra which is known as Mangal Mantra on Tuesdays. They can also chant the Gayatri mantra 108 times in a day or the Hanuman Chalisa, daily.
  6. Performing Pujas in Temples Visiting Navgraha temples reduce the ill-effects caused by Mangal Dosha. However, there are only a few temples in the whole of India that are dedicated to Lord Mangal. The most popular temples are located in Tamil Nadu. Some are also located in Guwahati, Assam. Performing these pujas on Tuesdays is very effective to reduce the ill effects of Mangal dosha. Visit a Lord Hanuman temple and worship him on Tuesdays. Offer vermilion and sweets. Also light a ghee lamp at the temple.
  7. Offerings and contributions Making contributions on Tuesdays is considered as a remedy for Manglik individuals. Some objects that are considered as items that should be offered to please Mars are swords or knives, food that are made of red lentil daals (masoor daal), wheat breads, red silks, and red stones such as corals.

    मं =MARS