Gandmool nakshatras

Gandmool nakshatras

We are born and governed by 27 nakshatras as per Moon rashi in Indian Astrology, out of which six Nakshatras viz. Ashwaini, Magha, Jayestha,Ashlesha, Mool & Rewati are collectively called as Gandmool nakshtras. Gand Mool is one of the Arisht Yoga. Usually these nakshatras are considered inauspicious but with the help of appropriate puja and rituals it gives good positive result .

Effect of Gandmool nakshatra?

Persons born under gandmool nakshatra face many obstacles in their life. From childhood to oldage to achieve their goals they face time to time many problems related to health, education, career, marriage, finance, social and other important aspects. Apart from these obstacles family members and relatives of gandmoolak are also impacted by severe inconveniences.

Benefit of gandmool puja

Gandmoolak persons are advised by vamtantra to go for its shanti puja. Gandmool nakshatra shanti puja helps to mitigate the sufferings faced by them, their family & relatives. Seeing nakshatra significance in our lives Gandmool nakshatra puja should be conducted atleast once a year in your birth month on the day your janam nakshatra falls or every month on the day our nakshatra falls to get the maximum desired benefit. It is strongly suggested that Gandmool Nakshatra Shanti is necessary to overcome all ill effects of Gand Mool Nakshtra.