Maa Vishweshwari Godavaritir or Sarvashail Shakti Peeth

Godavaritir or Sarvashail is the famous Shakti Peetha where it is said that the Left Cheek of Maa Sati fell and the idols worshiped at this religious place are Vishweshwari (Vishweshi) or Rakini or Viswamatuka (The mother of the whole world) and Lord Shiva as Vatsnabh or Dandapani (The one who holds a staff). This Shakti Peetha is located at Kotilingeswar temple on the banks of Godavari river near Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh, India.

History and Significance
According to the Hindu mythology, an ancient pilgrimage site is also known as Maa Vishweshwari Godavaritir Shakti peetha, where the “Left Cheek” of Sati’s body fell.
The main idols of this legendary divine place are Devi as “Vishwamatuka or Viveshi” (a divine mother of universe) and Lord Shiva as “Dandapani or Vatsnabh” (one who holds a force), worshipped here.
There is one puranic reference about Sage Gautama who lived on the Brahmagiri hills at Trayambakeshwar with his wife Ahalya. Sage Gautama, once tried to chase away a cow which ate all the stock of rice in his granary. As the sage was chasing the cow with Durbha grass, the cow fell dead. The sage meditated upon Lord Shiva and wanted to rid himself of the Gohatya. (Act of killing the cow). He requested Lord Shiva to bring the Ganges to purify his hermitage. Lord Shiva was pleased with the worship of Sage Gautama and appeared as Triambaka and brought down River Ganges to Trayambakeshwar. The river is also known as Gautami, as it was brought down by Sage Gautama. The river gets the name Godavari, as the river was brought down to absolve Sage Gautama from the sins of “Gohatya”.
Some of the renowned people in the Hindu Culture like Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Baladev also took bath in the Godavari River. There is no exact information about who and when this temple was built. But, it is said and also written in Puranas and Vedas that the chin of Maa Sati fell. So, in order to embark importance to this place and pray the Maa Sati, this Godavari tir Shakti Peeth temple was constructed