Various characteristics of Lord Shiva

Without doubt, Lord Shiva is the most fascinating God-head in Indian philosophy. He is enchanting and can draw variety of people towards him. For a matter of fact, he is called Raudra and Bholenath at the same time.
 He represents the creation itself

He represents the creation itself
Personally, I feel Lord Shiva is what we should be--easy to leave away the negativity but being very concentrated and determined when it comes to doing a task. He represents the finest qualities a human can adopt.

3. He is ever-close

He is ever-close
I don't know why but I feel Lord Shiva is the easiest at the same time most-difficult Godhead to please. He is like the mischievous mother who likes to test the determination and devotion of her children.

4. He is Mahakaal

He is Mahakaal
Among many of his names, he is called Mahakaal. This name has many interpretations and legends associated with it. In common parlance, whoever is beyond time and death is called Mahakaal. Lord Shiva, according to various stories, have transcended both and therefore is the worthy bearer of this name.

5. Beyond Time

Beyond Time
Kaal is simply translated to time. Because Lord Shiva is believed to be existing before the beginning of time, he is called Mahakaal. Another name for this characteristic is Kalateet, which literally means beyond the frets of time.

6. Beyond Death

Beyond Death
Kaal in simple terms also means death. Lord Shiva is beyond the birth and death cycle and therefore known with this name. However, there is story associated with this name which signifies more appropriately.

7. Sage Markandeya

Sage Markandeya
The story of sage Markandeya is beautiful. The parents of the sage did not have any progeny and prayed earnestly to Lord Shiva. They were given two choices--a son who will live for hundred of years but will have no spiritual inclination, or a son who will live for 16 years but will be an exalted devotee of Lord Shiva.

8. They chose the devoted son

They chose the devoted son
Without doubt, the parents chose a spiritually oriented son. Markandeya was born and he was engaged in worshiping Lord Shiva right from his childhood. When the time of his death came, his parents told him about the condition.

9. Markandeya had total faith

Markandeya had total faith
He did not get perturbed. He had total faith in Lord Shiva. He prayed to Lord Shiva and feel in exhausted state putting his arms around the Shivalinga.

10. Kaal approached him

Kaal approached him
When the Death God approached him and threw his noose around Markandeya, it coiled around the Shivalinga too. This was unacceptable. Lord Shiva appeared there looking determined to kill the Death God itself.

11. Markandeya was given eternity

Markandeya was given eternity
Frightened by the very prospect of getting killed, the Death God pleaded for mercy and granted eternal life to the devotee of Lord Shiva.

12. Dual significance of this story

Dual significance of this story
This story vindicates the devotion of Markandeya and at the same time emphasizes the belief that devotion to Lord Shiva can save us from death, and therefore birth too--which means it can give us liberation.

13. Thus the name Mahakaal

Thus the name Mahakaal
Because even Kaal fears Lord Shiva, he is called Mahakaal. There are other stories too that are associated with him being beyond time and therefore earning the moniker Mahakaal.

14. Names are for arousing devotion

Names are for arousing devotion
In spirituality, all names have one common goal--to around the devotion in the person who is chanting or reciting those names. Different names appeal to different people and they have same common power, because they have the common source. We should not infer that one name is more potent than the other.

15. What's your input?

What's your input?
I am sure you had heard about this name and knew its significance also. If not, share how you felt to come to know the story behind this beautiful name.