Vastu Shastra is an ancient science which helps one to get the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements of the universe in which we all live. These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND). Vastu Shastra can be applied by keeping in harmony with these basic five elements of nature.
One sometimes feels that in spite of having all the required resources for achieving success in the work field one is not getting the desired and deserved result and it should not be a surprise to oneself that it could be due to the fact that either one's office or factory is not planned according to the science of Vastu Shastra.
Similarly, one might feel that the wheel of family life is not moving smoothly and there is lack of peace, harmony, affection and well being in one’s family. One should get the architecture of his house examined and if need be modified as per Vastu Shastra, one is bound to expect good results and well being gradually and steadily.
We sincerely hope that Vastu Shastra one day will end all miseries and sorrows and bring joy and happiness in everybody’s life.

Tips From Vastu
  1. The main entrance should be in the East or North but it should not be in front of the compound wall.
  2. The wall of the house in the North-Eastern side should have minimum height.
  3. If the wall of the house in the East is tall, it stalls the entry of prosperity, the Goddess Laxmi, into the house. Therefore, it should be small in height.
  4. The southern side of the house should be as tall and heavy as possible.
    In any room of the house the beam or column should not cross in the center.
  5. Terrace or balcony in the house should be either in the East or the North.
  6. A well, pole or a temple should not be there in front of the main entrance of the house.
  7. The slope of the house should be towards East, North or North-East.
    Similarly, the slope of the plinth also should be towards East, North or North-East.
  8. The height of the plinth should be maximum in the direction of South-West.
  9. The main entrance of the house should not be in front of that of the opposite house.
  10. The house should be equipped with the protective wall.
  11. The upper storeys of the house should be constructed on the Southern or Western part.
  12. The cupboard in the wall should be the Southern or Western part direction of the house.

Why Follow Vastu?
God is present in the direction of North-East, it is believed. That is why our ancestors always insisted on having a body of water in this direction to ensure prosperity. Now see the geographical location of a small nation like Japan one of the largest bodies of water in the form of the Pacific Ocean which explains the reason of its growing prosperity.
Take the example of Mumbai city. On its South-East side where Agni is located, is the atomic power plant and in the direction of North-East is the body of water, which is why when it is compared to other ports, Mumbai port is more prosperous.
The city of London is famous and rich because it is situated on more or less the ideal principles of Vastu Shastra.
It is found that at the root of the progress and prosperity of the cities like New York, London, Mumbai, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. are always the benedictory principles of Vastu Shastra. It is also found that as one progresses towards the North-East in the United States of America the land becomes richer and richer.
Study the location and construction of the famous temple of Tirupati from the angle of Vastu Shastra. Its legendary prosperity is thanks mainly to the exemplary implementation of the principles of Vastu Shastra. The main temple is situated on the South-West side of the temple precinct. On its North-East direction is a lake and pond. The dining hall of the temple is on South-East side while the North-West and North side of the temple is allocated to the godown (storage place) for grains and items require in the kitchen. The entire temple precinct is of square shape as a result of which its axis and that of the Earth are perpendicular to each other. The main temple is occupying only the one fourth area of the total precinct and on its Eastern and Northern side is an  open area. Thus the Tirupati temple of Lord Balaji is an ideal place according to the norms of Vastu Shastra which is why it is the most prosperous temple on earth.