"Utterly fearless and uninhibited it is this consciousness that brings
into manifestation and sustains the infinite
variety of beings, from the creator to the
blade of grass. It is ever dynamic and active,
yet it is more inactive than a rock and is more
unaffected by such activity than space."
(Yoga Vashishtha - 5:23)
Shiva represents the unmanifest and Shakti the manifest; Shiva the formless and Shakti the formed; Shiva consciousness and Shakti energy, not only in the cosmos as a whole but in each and every individual. The roots of Shakti are in Shiva. Though one is manifested and the other unmanifested, they are in the ultimate sense one and the same One is the principle of changelessness and the other, the principle of change- Shakti is change within changelessness while Shiva is changelessness as the root of change. The experience of perfect unity of the changeless and the changeable, the dissolution of duality, is the aim of Tantra, and thus of Yoga.
Everything you see around you, whether physical, psychic, mental or whatever, is Shakti, both individually and collectively. This includes everything from a pebble to the sun. All manifestations of Shakti come from the underlying substratum, Shiva. The aim of Tantra is to invert the process to retread the path of creation as it were, back to union with Shiva or the Paramatman (supreme).
Tantra says that Shakti or the power of creating separate centres of manifestation (i.e. objects, individuals, etc.) is in essence consciousness itself (Shiva). However, the power of the phenomenal world around us veils itself through the power of maya. Each and everything in the created universe is actually no more than manifested consciousness and even though everything comes from it, there is no change in the nature of consciousness. From Shiva comes the universe as a whole and everything individually through the power of Shakti, yet Shiva remains the same. The eternal wonder and mystery is that Shiva and Shakti are one and the same.
Tantra regards the material universe as the form, pattern, or expression of the totality. According to Tantra both the manifest and unmanifest are real; to tell someone that the things around him are unreal is nonsensical, because his experience on normal levels of awareness is otherwise. The world, says Tantra, must be regarded as real. One must utilise the body, mind and environment to know that which is beyond. Other systems, like Vedanta, regard the universe as unreal because it changes, but Tantra states that everything, whether changing or changeless, is 'real'; both are no more than two different aspects of the totality.
Shiva is father (pita) of all that moves and is motionless; he is said to be naked, clothed in open space, or digambara, (clothed in the universe). Now he is usually depicted as wearing a tiger skin and holding a trident which represents the three gunas of which he is the eternal master. He is said to ride a bull called Nandi and contains within himself the seeds of creation. He is symbolised by the shiva lingam and is totally unconditioned, in a continual state of nirvikalpa samadhi. Shiva is the king of all yogis - Yogeshwara - for he represents the supreme experience. He is also known as Kuleshana, lord of the kaulas, those who have reached the highest stage of Tantra (Kaulachara).
Shiva has many aspects. Sometimes he is called 'Rudra', the destroyer, who appears to be more like Shakti in nature (the dissolving aspect). This merely emphasises that the active and the inactive, manifest and unmanifest, are really one and the same. All the personifications or deities eventually represent exactly the same thing- the absolute. Only the symbol is different. If you wish you can create your own deity. The widespread worship of vast numbers of dieties indicates the incredible complexity (yet underlying simplicity) and tolerance of the all-embracing spiritual climate of India.
Shakti also has many names and aspects. She is known as 'prana' when associated with the organisation and growth of matter in all forms of life. She is 'kundalini' - the power that lies dormant in everything and which can be unleashed through yogic and tantric practices. She is called 'Kali', the dissolver of the world, who withdraws everything into her womb at the end of the allotted life-span or yuga. She is depicted as 'Parvati', the epitome of the loving and faithful consort of Shiva. She is the primordial power- 'Adya', the universal mother, 'Ishwari' - the consort of Ishwara Lord of the universe. Shakti is also referred to as 'Avidya rupini' (the form of ignorance), for it is she who produces ignorance and individuality. Conversely, she is known as 'Vidya, rupini', (the form of knowledge) for she is the means of removing bondage and achieving liberation or enlightenment.
The 'Kularnava Tantra' says, "By that which one falls, so one will raise oneself". Shakti is the mind of each one of us which can either enslave us or free us. She is 'Maya', (the creator of illusion), for it is through her power that one fails to see 'reality'. At the same time it is through the power of Shakti that the world is experienced; through her that Shiva can experience himself. Shakti is para brahman, the absolute, when she becomes a brahman at the time when Shiva and Shakti unite. Endless different forms of Shakti are worshipped in India - 'Uma', 'Gaud', 'Durga' - her forms are infinite, for there is no end to her power and manifestation. Her forms are as numerous as the reflections of the moon. Continually active, creating, sustaining and dissolving everything into Shiva, only to be re-created - this is the unending process of Shakti.
The concept of Shakti and Shiva is by no means confined to India. In Plato's 'Phaedrus', a book of the ancient Greeks, he states "What is on earth is merely the resemblance and shadow of something that is in a higher sphere, a resplendent thing which remains in an unchangeable condition." The ancient Gnostics were really a European tantric sect which interpreted Christianity in the light of higher experience. One of the Gnostic mystics, Simon the Magus, is reputed to have said, "The universal eons consist of two branches, without beginning or end, which spring from one root.........the invisible power and the unknowable silence. One of these branches is manifested from above and is the universal consciousness ordering all things and is designated male. The other branch is female and is the producer of all things."
The Gnostics divided man into three distinct groups in the same manner as does Tantra. The lowest group in terms of awareness, are those who worship the material world- 'pashu' in Tantra, The second group includes those who worship an underlying reality with blind faith devoid of experience- 'veer' in Tantra, The third group are those wild live in higher awareness - 'divya' in Tantra. So the ancient system of Gnosticism is fundamentally tantric in nature, and many other systems throughout the world are very similar. Energy, including matter and consciousness, are functioning together in the cosmos as well as in each and every human being. This combination gives rise to the world we see around us, to time and to place. Energy is controlled by consciousness and consciousness cannot express itself except through energy. As Sri Adi Shankaracharya writes in the first sloka of his 'Saundarya Lahari', the sixty-fifth Tantra: 'How can Shiva function without Shakti?' Therefore Tantra says that in order to merge with consciousness, one must take the help of Shakti.
There is a supreme experience where Shiva and Shakti no longer exist as separate entities. Some call it 'Brahman', others refer to it as being 'Not this, not this', meaning that it is inexpressible, while still others say that it is one without a second. This is the state of nirvana, samadhi, perfect oneness, moksha or enlightenment. It is the state where Shiva merges so closely with Shakti that they become one. They embrace each other so tightly that they cease to be separate. And this is the meaning of the many 'seemingly' erotic sculptures which personify these two principles - Shiva and Shakti. They symbolise that enraptured state where separateness is no more. This is 'The divine embrace of Tantra'.

I have posted articles on the existence of Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma in Mesopotamia,including the Arabian Peninsula.
These articles were about the Kaaba, Mecca being a Hindu place of worship and there is a Shiva Linga;King Vikramadhitya’s Inscription is found there.
I shall be posting a detailed article on the History of Kaaba.
In the meanwhile, I would like to share a Poem, Stuthi on Lord Shiva by Umar-Bin-E-Hassham, an Uncle of Prophet Muhammad.
Muhammad’s uncle was one of the resident priests of the Shiv temple known as “Kaaba”.
Poem on Lord Shiva By Umar-Bin-E-Hassham.jpg
Poem on Lord Shiva By Prophet’s Uncle.
The Shiva Sloka
Kafavomal fikra min ulumin Tab asayru
Kaluwan amataul Hawa was Tajakhru
We Tajakhayroba udan Kalalwade-E Liboawa
Walukayanay jatally, hay Yauma Tab asayru
Wa Abalolha ajabu armeeman MAHADEVA
Manojail ilamuddin minhum wa sayattaru
Wa Sahabi Kay-yam feema-Kamil MINDAY Yauman
Wa Yakulum no latabahan foeennak Tawjjaru
Massayaray akhalakan hasanan Kullahum
Najumum aja- at Summa gabul HINDU

The man who may spend his life in sin
and irreligion or waste it in lechery and wrath
If at least he relent and return to
righteousness can he be saved?
If but once he worship Mahadeva with a pure
heart, he will attain the ultimate in spirituality.
Oh Lord Shiva exchange my entire life for but
a day’s sojourn in India where one attains salvation.
But one pilgrimage there secures for one all
merit and company of the truly great.
नटराज स्तुति

सत सृष्टि तांडव रचयिता
नटराज राज नमो नमः
हेआद्य गुरु शंकर पिता
नटराज राज नमो नमः

गंभीर नाद मृदंगना धबके उरे ब्रह्माडना
नित होत नाद प्रचंडना
नटराज राज नमो नमः

शिर ज्ञान गंगा चंद्रमा चिद्ब्रह्म ज्योति ललाट मां
विषनाग माला कंठ मां
नटराज राज नमो नमः

तवशक्ति वामांगे स्थिता हे चंद्रिका अपराजिता
चहु वेद गाए संहिता
नटराज राज नमोः

श्री शंकराचार्य  (Adi Shankaracharya)
पशूनां पतिं पापनाशं परेशं
गजेन्द्रस्य कृत्तिं वसानं वरेण्यम्
जटाजूटमध्ये स्फुरद्गाङ्गवारिं
महादेवमेकं स्मरामि स्मरारिम्  ॥१॥

I remember the only Mahādeva, Who is the enemy of Smara (Kāmadeva), Who is the Lord of the animals for sacrifice, Who destroys the sins, Who is the Lord beyond everyone, Who has a cloth made from elephant-skin, Who is the best, and Who has a shaking stream of Gańgā in the midst of the matted-hair locks.||1||
महेशं सुरेशं सुरारातिनाशं
विभुं विश्वनाथं विभूत्यङ्गभूषम्
सदानन्दमीडे प्रभुं पञ्चवक्त्रम् ॥२॥

I praise Lord Śiva, Who is Maheśa, Who is the Lord of demi-gods, Who destroys the grief of demi-gods, Who is resplendent, Who is the Lord of the world, Who has abundant ornaments, Who has variegated (colorful) eyes, Who has the Sun, the Moon and the Fire as three eyes, Who is always blissful, and Who has five-heads.||2||
गिरीशं गणेशं गले नीलवर्णं
गवेन्द्राधिरूढं गुणातीतरूपम्
भवं भास्वरं भस्मना भूषिताङ्गं
भवानीकलत्रं भजे पञ्चवक्त्रम् ॥३॥

I adore Lord Śiva, Who is the Lord of the Himālaya, Who is the Leader of Gaṇa, Who has a blue-colored throat, Who sits on the best among bulls, Whose true nature is beyond the qualities, Who is the universe, Who is resplendent, Who is adorned with ashes, Who is the consort of Bhavānī, and Who has five-heads.||3||
शिवाकान्त शंभो शशाङ्कार्धमौले
महेशान शूलिञ्जटाजूटधारिन्
त्वमेको जगद्व्यापको विश्वरूपः
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो पूर्णरूप ॥४॥

O Śambhu, Who is the resplendence of Śivā, Who has the half-moon on the forehead, Who is the great Īśāna, Who holds a trident, and Who has matted-hair tress-locks! You are the only One pervading in this universe, manifesting as the world. O Lord, Who is complete! Please be happy. Be happy.||4||

परात्मानमेकं जगद्बीजमाद्यं
निरीहं निराकारमोंकारवेद्यम्
यतो जायते पाल्यते येन विश्वं
तमीशं भजे लीयते यत्र विश्वम् ॥५॥

That Lord — Who is beyond the Ātman, Who is the only One, Who is the fundamental element of the world, Who is the beginning, Who is without passion, Who is without form, and Who is propounded by the ॐ-kāra — Who gives birth, nourishes, and deludes this whole universe, I adore that One.||5||
न भूमिर्नं चापो न वह्निर्न वायु-
र्न चाकाशमास्ते न तन्द्रा न निद्रा
न गृष्मो न शीतं न देशो न वेषो
न यस्यास्ति मूर्तिस्त्रिमूर्तिं तमीडे ॥६॥

That Lord, Who is not the ground, Who is not the water, Who is not the fire, Who is not the wind, Who is not the skies, Who is not the sleep or deep-sleep, Who is not the heat, Who is not the cold, Who is not a country, Who is not a physical form, and Who does not possess a form — I praise that Lord in the trinity-form.||6||
अजं शाश्वतं कारणं कारणानां
शिवं केवलं भासकं भासकानाम्
तुरीयं तमःपारमाद्यन्तहीनं
प्रपद्ये परं पावनं द्वैतहीनम् ॥७॥

I take the refuge in Śiva, Who is without birth, Who is eternal, Who is the reason behind all the reasons, Who is the Only One, Who shines everything that shine others, Who is turīya (pure impersonal state of soul), Who is beyond darkness (tamas), Who is without a beginning and an end, Who is beyond everyone, Who is pure, and Who is without duality.||7||
नमस्ते नमस्ते विभो विश्वमूर्ते
नमस्ते नमस्ते चिदानन्दमूर्ते
नमस्ते नमस्ते तपोयोगगम्य
नमस्ते नमस्ते श्रुतिज्ञानगम्य ॥८॥

I bow to You, I bow to You, O Śiva, Who is resplendent in all the wordly-manifestions! I bow to You, I bow to You, O Śiva, Who is the idol of complete bliss! I bow to You, I bow to You, O Śiva, Who is reachable by penance and Yoga! I bow to You, I bow to you, O Śiva, Who is reachable by Veda and knowledge.||8||

प्रभो शूलपाणे विभो विश्वनाथ
महादेव शंभो महेश त्रिनेत्र
शिवाकान्त शान्त स्मरारे पुरारे
त्वदन्यो वरेण्यो न मान्यो न गण्यः ॥९॥

O Lord, Who holds a trident in hands, Who is the resplendent Lord of the world, Who is Mahādeva, Who is Śambhu, Who is the great Lord, Who has three eyes, Who is the resplendence of Śivā, Who is serene, Who slayed Smara (Kāma), and Who slayed Pura! There is nothing better or different from You which is countable or respectable.||9||
शंभो महेश करुणामय शूलपाणे
गौरीपते पशुपते पशुपाशनाशिन्
काशीपते करुणया जगदेतदेक-
स्त्वंहंसि पासि विदधासि महेश्वरोऽसि ॥१०॥

O Śambhu, Who is Maheśa, Who is full of compassion, Who holds a trident, Who is the Lord of Gaurī, Who is the Lord of sacrificed animals, Who destroys the shackles of animals, Who is the Lord of Kāśī! Only You are with compassion in this world. You are the great Lord, Who destroys, protects, and holds the world.||10||

त्वत्तो जगद्भवति देव भव स्मरारे
त्वय्येव तिष्ठति जगन्मृड विश्वनाथ
त्वय्येव गच्छति लयं जगदेतदीश
लिङ्गात्मके हर चराचरविश्वरूपिन् ॥११॥
O Deva, Who is the universe, Who slays Smara! This world emanates from You. O Mṛḍa, Who is the Lord of the world! The world sits inside You. O Īśa, O Hara, Who pervades the entire universe as moving and unmoving forms! This world finally contracts into Your egg-shaped form (lińga) during deluge.||11||

Virat Shakti Peeth is among the 51 Shakti Peeth of Maa Sati. It is said that, the left leg Maa Sati fell here, when lord Vishnu in order to relieve lord Shiva from grief of losing his wife Sati, used his ‘Sudarshan Chakra’ to incise maa Sati Body. Then, at the place of fall of left leg, this temple was constructed. Virat Shakti Peeth is situated in Bharatpur in Rajasthan, India. Here the idol of maa Sati is called as ‘Ambika’ and the lord Shiva is worshipped as ‘Amriteshwar’.

History of Virat Peeth

History to this place dates back in the time when it is said that the left leg of Maa Sati fell to this place. Best information about the origin and the formation of this temple, people can be taken from with local people. Religious books, Purans etc are worth trying to find out the history about the Shakti Peeth.

Festivals in Virat temple

  1. Makar Sankranti, Sharad Purnima, Deepawali, Somvati Amavasya, Ram Navami are some of the other important festivals being celebrated here.
  2. Navratri that falls two times in a year- one in the month of March or April and other in the September or October month depending on the Hindu calendar, is among the major festival here. Navratri are celebrated for over 9 days, with some people not eating any type of food that is derived from the soil for these nine days. Special ceremonies and rituals are carried during these days
  3. Another festival that is celebrated with great enthusiasm is the ‘Shivaratri’ and during this day, people keep fast, pour milk on the Shiv Lingam and offers ‘Bail’ (A type of fruit) to the god idol.
  4. People (Almost every day) offer their offering to the god in form of fruit, milk, homemade sweets etc
Bheemakali Temple or Vibhasha Shakti Peeth is among the 51 Shakti Peeth of Maa Sati, located on the banks of the River Roopnarayana at Tamluk village, Purab Medinipur in West Bengal, India. It is the place where Devi Sati’s left ankle fell. Here Devi is worshipped as Kapalini or Bhimarupa and Lord Shiva as Sarvanand.
In the Sanctorum of the temple, there is a large ‘Shiv Ling’ and it is made of black stone. Priest and pilgrims worship here and Ygya are also carried from time to time. All around the ‘Shiv Ling’ is the White marble boundary. The temple is also known as Bheemakali Temple.

History and Significance
History to this Bheemakali Temple dates back in the time when it is said that the left ankle of Maa Sati fell to this place.
Tamluk village is also considered as an important Vaishnava Tirtha. According to Jaimini Mahabharat and Kashidas Mahabharat, Lord Krishna came to Tamluk and released the Divine Horse of Ashwameda Yagna. Tamluk is considered sacred as it is sanctified by the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.
Vedas and ancient Indian science theories are often considered as the most advanced works in the world from their era. There are scientists taking who are fascinated by the knowledge of the ancient Indian scholars and dedicated their life researching on the ancient Indian Science.
The list here presents 13 greatest ever inventions of ancient Indian science.

 1. They knew the existence of solar system long before.
 Rig Veda 1.35.9
“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.
 2.  They Theorized gravity way before the western world.

The verse 10.22.14 of Rig Veda says
“This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun”.
 3. They knew the speed of light way before the rest of the world knew it.

A Vedic scholar by the name of Sayana discovered the speed of light back in the 14th century AD.
His quote  which translates to
“With deep respect, I bow to the sun, who travels 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha.”
A yojana is approximately 9 miles; a nimesha is 16/75 of a second.
So,  2,202 yojanas x 9 miles x 75/8 nimeshas = 185,794 miles per second which is remarkably equal to the actual value of 186 282.397 miles per second.
Also read: World’s Oldest Active Aircraft Carrier INS Viraat all set to be a Museum in Andhra Pradesh.
 4. They knew the science behind eclipses when the rest of the world was scared thinking eclipses are caused by some sort of black magic.

Rig Veda 5.40.5 has a phrase which translates to
“O Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (moon), then earth will be surprised by the sudden darkness.”
This is a remarkably accurate description of a solar eclipse.
The Vedas’ detailed descriptions of the universe, planets, and other phenomena demonstrates the vast knowledge of the people of those times far before modern civilization even started to exist.

 5. They accurately predicted the distance between Sun and Earth.

“Yug sahasra yojana par bhanu,
leelyo taahi madhura phal jaanu” 
-Hanuman Chalisa
The above verse written by Tulasidas in Hanuman chalisa translates to how “The Surya, situated thousands of Yojanas(a unit of distance) away was swallowed by Hanuman thinking it to be a fruit”
1 Yuga = 12000 years
1 Sahsra Yuga = 12000000 years.
Also, 1 Yojan = 8 miles
So, Yug Sahsra Yojan(the first three words) would mean 12000*12000000*8 = 96000000 miles.
Converting it to kilometers, 96000000 X 1.6 = 153,600,000 kms
Actual distance from earth to sun = 152,000,000 kms(error of around 1%)
How cool is that??
 6. They measured the circumference of the Earth.
 Brahmagupta in the 7th century CE proposed that the circumference of the Earth to be 36,000 km, which is close to the actual figure of 40,075 km, with an error margin of 1%.
 7. They estimated the Length of an Year.
 Surya Sidhhanta speaks of 4 ways to measure the length of an year namely “Nakshatra“, “Savana“, “Lunar” and “Saura“,  of these The Saura method accurately estimates the length of year to be 365 days, 6 hours 12 mins and 30 seconds. If you are still wondering how they could do it go and visit temples at Konark or Humpi where you will find the incredibly complex and technically correct architecture systems of the temples that use the sunlight to measure the length of the day and year.
 8. They deduced Pi value.

Aryabhata worked on the approximation of value of pi (\pi) and came to the conclusion that \pi is irrational and is approximately 3.1416 in 499 CE when he was 23 years old.
He can be considered as one of the smartest brains of ancient India because  because the irrationality of pi was proved in Europe only in 1761 by Lambert.
Not to mention, he even derived the values of sine & cos and gave birth to the concept of trigonometry.
 9. They Theorized that earth is a sphere.

Although the discovery of Earth being round  is credited to  Greek astronomers . Interestingly, Indian astronomers had already claimed that Sun is a star and that earth is spherical long before the Greeks. It is documented that various attempts had been made to measure the circumference of earth during the Vedic periods.  Aryabhatta deduced a formulation which proves that the Earth is  rotating on an axis. By estimating the value of pi to be 3.1416 he deduced the circumference of earth to be 39736 Kilometers which is only 100 kilometers below its true value.
In fact, in his book Aryabhatiya, he also asserts that the movement of heavenly bodies like the sun, the stars are all relative, and only earth is moving.
Just as a passenger in a boat moving downstream sees the stationary (trees on the river banks) as traversing upstream, so does an observer on earth see the fixed stars as moving towards the west at exactly the same speed (at which the earth moves from west to east.
-translated from Aryabhatiya Gola 9
 10. They build the worlds first underground drainage system.
 Indus valley civilization designed the worlds first Underground sanitation system back in 3300–1300 BCE which was adopted by the rest of the world centuries later. They are also the first civilization to create modern sanitation.

 11. They theorized and actually implemented the concept of surgical procedures using surgical tools centuries before the rest of the world.

The Sushruta Samhita written by Sushruta is the earliest medical encyclopedia known to world being written during 1200BC containing 184 chapters contains descriptions of 1,120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources and 57 preparations based on animal sources. You name a disease and it has a chapter on it.
It was announced in a scientific journal that the oldest and the first  evidence for the drilling of human teeth of a living person was found in Mehrgarh. Eleven drilled molar crowns from nine adults were discovered in a graveyard in Mehrgarh that dates from 7,500–9,000 years ago. A few evidences of orthopedic surgeries were also found concluding that ancient India had the technology to implement surgical procedures.  Anesthesia was made using herbs in Ayurveda.
 12.  They theorized the concept of cloning , test tube babies and surrogate mothers.

The epic Mahabharata describes Gandhari as a mother of 100 sons who were called Kauravas, the eldest of them being Dhuryodhana. The Kauravas were created by splitting the single embryo into 100 parts and growing each part in a separate kund (container).
The  birth story of Karna & the Pandavas shockingly  resembles the modern test tube baby concept. Being born from the “characteristics adopted from men of her choice”  
In other words, they not only had the concept of cloning, test-tube babies and embryo spliting but also had the dream to grow human fetuses outside the body of a woman something that is not known to modern science very recently.

13.  Nikola tesla took inspiration from Swamy vivenakanda and Indian vedas for his world acclaimed work.


After his lab was burned down and his life’s work had vanished. Nikola Tesla studied the concept of  Prana and Akasha to work on FORCE and MATTER. He developed a new perspective on the world and started viewing world in terms of frequencies and energy which resulted in him establishing his concepts on energy.
Also read: Headline Makers and the Human Right activists Magically Disappear when our Soldiers get Killed?!
We intended to write this article not to take sides or argue against anyone’s beliefs but only to give a small idea on the intensity of the knowledge and imagination of our ancestors.
They even had the concept of sustainable energy, projectile science, and many others like Thrust, momentum, Thermodynamics , Astrophysics etc to name a few.
Time to feel proud of India and share this with friends.

Past Lives, or Rebirth as it is often referred to, is not a theory in Hindu culture; it is a fact. Generally we have amnesia about out past lives, but with the help of Vedic Astrology we can get some clues about where we came from, and how that past is influencing our present circumstances.

One of the best techniques for examining the past life is through the analysis of the placement of Ketu in the natal astrology chart. Ketu is the South Node of the Moon, one of two eclipse points: crossover points of the path of the Moon with that of the Sun, as seen from the Earth. Ketu is known as the 'inlet point' for past life karmas. Here the word karma is referring to past life completed actions. The prior activity of the soul comes through in this lifetime as unconscious behavior patterns, naturally familiar due to the prior experiences. The past life actions have created a 'groove' in the soul's memory. Thus, in this life, we are prone to fall back into that groove.

Opposite Ketu is Rahu, the North Node, which is considered to represent the karmas (actions) that have to be encountered in this lifetime for the soul's continued education. The relative strength of Ketu vs. Rahu has to be determined to tell whether the person tends to 'hang out' in the old, familiar, past life behaviors, or else embraces the new lessons shown by the Rahu position. Additionally, at different times in one's life one or the other of the Nodes will be emphasized, most notably during the Dashas (the planetary periods) connected with that node, but also through activation from other planets when they transit over the natal nodal positions. The activation of Ketu brings up unresolved issues from the past. The activation of Rahu makes us confront dilemmas related to what we are becoming in this life's incarnation.

If we wish to take a more active part in our soul's evolution, and move forward in this life, it would be good to understand more about our past life. We can become aware of where we are repeating the past; where we fall back into the old groove. The Houses of the chart correspond to specific different areas of human activity. Thus, the house position of Ketu in your Vedic Astrology chart will tell you something of what activities in the former life were a dominant concern.

For instance, if Ketu is placed in the 3rd house of everyday survival, then running around doing errands, keeping busy with the affairs of close relatives and neighbors, and promoting oneself to others with gossip, etc., are familiar activities that one tends to naturally fall into. In this case, Rahu's placement would indicate that the lessons of the opposite 9th house: the pursuit of higher knowledge, practice of religion, relationship with father and guru, are areas that need development. If the reverse is true, where Ketu is in the 9th house, then one has a tendency to study scripture, hang out in an 'ivory tower', and/ or stick to a religion or philosophy inherited from the past life. Rahu's corresponding position shows the 3rd house with its practical everyday requirements, cooperation with others, and development of mundane skills to be what one has to focus on this time.

The sign that Ketu occupies gives us clues about the qualities of the person we were in the former birth that become natural inclinations in this lifetime. These qualities are particularly obvious while we are young: the past life is still fresh in the soul's memory. The opposite sign position of Rahu shows what qualities and attitudes the soul seeks to learn to express in this birth. If Ketu is in Sagittarius, then you come in with a strong belief that your own way is best, that your own freedom to act comes first, and so feel threatened by anything that comes from another's reality. What you need to learn is to become more 'Gemini-like': to be interested in gathering more data, cultivate an interest in other people's truths, and to enjoy the exchange of ideas. Another example: if you are born with Ketu in Virgo, the past life was given over to the examination of details, with a need for exactness, getting everything right, and an attachment to order and routine. This lifetime you need to become more Piscean: be aware of the universal consciousness, surrender to the Higher Power, and trust what can't be measured or controlled.

A more detailed analysis of the relative strength of Ketu vs. Rahu is necessary to determine which house and sign position tends to predominate in one's life, and what potential issues will arise from the imbalance. But by simply knowing our own chart's nodal locations we can become more aware of unconscious behavior patterns inherited from the past birth and thus see more clearly what we have to overcome to continue on our path. 


Vishalakshi Manikarnika or Vishalakshi Manikarni Shakti Peeth is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas mentioned in the Puranas.  It is said that karna kundala (earring) of Devi Sati fell here. Hence Devi Maa here is also known as Manikarni or Manikarnika. The Puranas say that this city exists even after the Pralaya. The famous place ‘Manikarnika’ is located here and named so because the earring of Goddess Sati was like a pearl (Mani). Goddess worshiped here as Maa Vishalakshi & Lord Shiva as Kala or Kaal Bhairva.
Vishalakshi Manikarnika
Vishalakshi Manikarnika
Some pundits feel that karna kundala is merely an ornament and not part of the body. Therefore this place can at best be considered as a upapeetha, a minor or sub-centre. Another version says that this is a shakti peetha only because one of the three eyes (Akshi) fell here. As the divine eye can perceive the entire universe, Mother here is called Vishalakshi, the vast-eyed.