Results of Venus or Shukra vimshottari Mahadasha
The planet Venus or Shukra is believed to be one of the most benefic planet for human beings as it bestows the person with most of comforts and materialistic wealth upon land and keep his/her life full of amusement and bliss. Venus would endow the person with the treasury of jewels and precious ornaments besides which he/she would possess all the signs and expressions of aristocracy.
A well placed Venus or Shukra would keep the distress away and would bring jollity and charm in the path ahead as the prosperity would reside and hurdles won’t leave much impact upon the native. The person would get inclined towards fantastical and artistic aspects and Venus would bestow creativity to the person besides which the native would appear truly charming and vivacious in this period.
The period of Venus or Shukra would bring most of happiness to the person along with some auspicious happenings to further adorn his/her life besides which there would be many people around who would be the reason of smile for the native. On the other part, the native under Shukra Bhukti would receive true respect and admiration from the surroundings in variant forms including some state honors.
The native in Shukra vimshottari mahadasha would carry purity and trueness in core and thoughts and would get inclined towards pious and social pursuits. There would be a remarkable growth in professional and financial stature while the ill-placed Venus in horoscope chart could also bring some negative impacts as comprising unreasonable conflicts, distances & bitterness in relations, loss in ventures, weakness at core, much oppositions around and restlessness. 

If Venus is well placed in the horoscope and if it is a benefic planet there may be general development in the fields of food, clothes, jewelry, fame and respect.

If Venus is badly placed in the horoscope, you may see opinion differences with noble people, illness or loss of mother, you may undergo cheating due to your enemies as well due to Venus bad placement in the birth chart.
If Venus is in Avaroha period, then acquiring wealth, mind and heart related illness might be possible.
If Venus is in Deep exaltation in your horoscope, during that period, more interest in sexual pleasures, you may enjoy properties of your wife, Delicious food, rich clothes, vehicles, bed comforts, children, acquiring precious stones etc. might be possible during Shukra mahadasha.
If Venus is in exaltation, high position or promotion in career, friendship with high status people, may get comforts like vehicles, perfumes, flowers, cosmetics and general happiness due to social gatherings are possible.
If Venus is in its own house in your birth chart, you may expect favors from women and children, acquiring wealth are possible during Venus main period.
If Venus is in its moola trikona sign in your horoscope, you may acquire power and authority, good business, easy gains through women, good recognition and fame in the society are possible during Shukra mahadasha period.
If Venus is conjunct with benefic planets in your horoscope, you may expect happiness through children, friends, name and fame, acquisition of vehicles are possible during Venus main period.
If Venus is conjunct with malefic planets in your birth chart, you may see change of place, difference of opinion with your friends, losses in business, increased expenses, unexpected expenses due to spouse and children are possible during Shukra mahadasha.
If Venus is strong, benefic and well placed in the horoscope, there will be happiness due to marriage or spouse, birth of children or happiness through children are possible. You may acquire comforts like luxury articles, houses, fixed properties, and vehicles during Shukra mahadasha. Appreciation and honors from higher authorities, success in your ventures, and gain of wealth are also possible if Venus is well placed in your horoscope.
If Venus is weak, malefic in the horoscope, you may see ill health, loss or ill health to spouse, entanglement with low class woman, loss of vitality, venereal diseases might be possible during Shukra mahadasha period.
If Shukra is in debilitation in your birth chart, you may get ill health, unnecessary fears and unnecessary expenses to wife and children are possible.